Our Methodology


H16 Sports has conceptualized an unique and innovative methodology, namely, ADAPT

Athletic capabilities
Player character

ADAPT, as the name suggests, is a system where we develop our players with a range of capabilities that will help them deal with various situations.


Three levels of ADAPT

We have categorized our methodology into 3 levels. At each level, we will be imparting different skills that a player w


Level 1- Mastery of the ball

This involves a fun and enjoyable learning experience for our players. We will help them master the different ways to handle the football through direction ranging from often to just the bare minimum. We have adopted a continuous program of learning by example and encouragement.


Level 2- Golden Age of Learning

This level will deal with training the players with pure art of just DOING IT! There will be no listening involved. We will involve the players to develop their understanding of the different positions with specific practice for each position.


Level 3- Age of Independence

We want to give our players an experience of independence. We will do this by giving them an understanding of their role within a team and the responsibilities attached with each role.


We will also help them understand the game better by teaching what to do in the following situations:

  • When in possession of the ball
  • When not in possession of the ball
  • During transitions of the ball


We will train each one of our players with the mindset to be a Winner and a Leader at the same time by building a Professional Mentality within them and inculcate the sportsman spirit in them.

Our Academy Include
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